What's a Lotus Room?
It's not a tent. It's not an inflatable bounce house. The Lotus Room is a Patent-pending portable hot yoga system that utilizes a standard rooms existing structure without altering it in any way.
Set it up. Leave it up.
The modular design adjusts to allow for 1 -4 full-sized yogis. The Lotus Room can stay up for months on end without issue. Decorate your new home hot yoga studio to your liking, knowing you can take it down and put it away in minutes if need be.
Truly immersive, realistic experience
Add some inexpensive plug n play tech and treat yourself to a realistic, immersive hot yoga class experience. Learn at home, the sky's the limit. (We love the Downward Dog app, & Kaylie Daniels's Sculpt classes are fantastically hardcore) .
When, where, & how you want it.
Set it up at home, on vacation, or at a friends. The Lotus Room is currently configured to set up in virtually any room with 9.5 ft. ceilings or less, and is easily adjustable.